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The Penguin Dictionary of Literary Terms and Literary Theory

The Penguin Dictionary of Literary Terms and Literary Theory
Over the past twenty years J. A. Cuddon's Dictionary of Literary Terms and Literary Theory has become firmly established as a classic work of reference. Now in its fourth edition, complete with many new entries and insights, it remains the most comprehensive and accessible work of its kind and constitutes essential reading for students, teachers and general readers alike. * Contains over 2000 articles on all aspects of literary terminology and theory * Gives definitions of technical terms (iamb, hamartia, zeugma) and critical jargon (intertextuality, aporia, binary opposition) * Explores literary movements (neo-classicism, romanticism, vorticism) and schools of literary theory (new historicism, structuralism, feminist criticism) * Covers genres (elegy, fabliau, pastoral) and literary forms (sonnet, haiku, ottava, rima) 'Scholarly, succinct, comprehensive and entertaining, this is an important book, an indispensable work of reference. It draws on literature of many languages and quotes aptly and freshly from our own' The Times Educational Supplement 'Some entries accomplish cameo wonders of literary history. Others are funny ... generously and urbanely compiled' The New York Times FOURTH EDITION
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